Declaration of Ethics and Malpractice in Publication
The RIIYM Magazine code of conduct
Subscribe to the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) code of conduct for editors.
RIIYM Magazine is dedicated to publishing articles under the highest standards of quality and ethics. We maintain these standards of ethical behavior at all stages of publication and with all members of our journal, including: the author, the journal editor, the reviewer, and the publisher.
- Editors Responsibilities:
- Publication selection: The editor of RIIYM Magazine is responsible for the selection of articles that will be published in the magazine. The editor must comply with the journal's ethical standards and all legal guidelines, including, but not limited to, those that do not allow defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor is free to discuss decisions related to the selection of articles with the editorial board, the academic committee or a referee.
- Non-discrimination clause: The editor will review manuscripts and make decisions on articles, regardless of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality or political ideology of the authors.
- Confidentiality Agreement: The editor and any member of the writing team are prohibited from disclosing information about the submitted manuscript to persons other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors, or the publisher.
- Transparency and interests: The editing team is prohibited from using unpublished material in their own research unless he/she has obtained the express written consent of the author. The editor must refrain from manuscripts that represent a conflict of interest as a result of any possible connection, whether competitive or mutual, with institutions, companies, authors, etc.
- Reviewer Responsibilities:
- Confidentiality: Any manuscript submitted for review should be considered a confidential document. This manuscript should not be discussed or presented to third parties or individuals.
- Timeliness: Due to the time sensitivity of reviewing articles, reviewers must inform the editor and decline review of an article in the event that he/she knows that he/she will not be able to review the material in a timely manner, or if He/she does not have enough knowledge about the topic of the article.
- Requirements for objectivity: Criticisms must be made in a neutral manner and opinions must articulate their criticisms on the basis of reasonable arguments.
- Editorial evaluation input: Evaluations provide critical information to the editor and the decision-making process. Reviewers can also help editors by communicating with authors and offer suggestions to improve the article through editorial communication.
- Acknowledgment of sources: Reviewers should take into account relevant published material that is not cited by the author and whether there is any considerable similarity between the published articles and the manuscript under consideration.
- Transparency and interests: Private information or ideas collected through peer review must remain private and not be used for the benefit of the reviewer. Reviewers must refrain from manuscripts that represent a conflict of interest as a result of any possible connection, whether competitive or mutual, with institutions, companies, authors, etc.
- Author Responsibilities:
- Research Principles: Authors are responsible for presenting original research, a truthful description of the work required for an article, and an objective discussion of the importance of the results. The key facts should be explained frankly in the article. The written report should include sufficient details and references so that others can repeat the investigation. Deliberately false or incorrect statements constitute unethical activities and will not be tolerated.
- Redundant, numerous or simultaneous publication: Generally speaking, an author should not attempt to publish identical materials basically outlining the research in more than one journal or other type of primary publication. Submission of the same subject matter in multiple journals and/or publication of the same work in multiple journals constitutes unethical publishing behavior and will not be tolerated.
- Authenticity and plagiarism: Authors must guarantee that completely original works will be presented, and that the text or materials that the authors have used refer to it correctly. Plagiarism in any form is unethical editorial behavior and will not be tolerated.
- The authors of the articles sent to the RIIYM Magazine must ensure that the manuscript is an original work and that it does not contain fragments of the document published by themselves or by other authors (Therefore, the authors, by accepting the regulations of the journal, undertake to guarantee that the article sent is an original work and that it does not infringe the rights of third parties).
- Authorship of the article: Authorship belongs to those individuals who contributed considerably to the formation, design, execution, or understanding of the article. All individuals who contributed significantly to the article should be listed as co-authors. Other persons who contributed to other substantive parts of the research should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. The lead author is responsible for including all co-authors and collaborators on the paper and ensuring that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the paper and consented to its submission for publication.
- When the authorship of an article is shared, it must be formally declared that: a). All authors have contributed intellectually to the preparation of this one; b). They agree with the content of the manuscript; and c). The work has not been previously published in any other magazine or format.
The authors must guarantee that the data presented in the article are reliable and have not been altered to verify or respond to the hypotheses or assumptions formulated.
- Acknowledgment of sources: adequate recognition of the work of other authors in the article is required. Authors should include publications from those who influenced the formation of the substance of their work. Private research, such as conversation, communication, or dialogue with third parties, is prohibited except with explicit written permission from those individuals. Information collected through confidential methods, such as manuscript reviews or grant applications, is prohibited except with the express written permission of the author providing such services.
- Transparency and interests: All authors must disclose in their final manuscript any financial or other conflicts of interest that could interfere with the results and interpretations of their research. All funding for the project must be disclosed.
- Fundamental errors in published research: When an author becomes aware of a fundamental lack or inaccuracy in his or her own published research, the author is required to immediately notify the editor of the journal or publisher and help recover or correct his or her article.
- Publication Quality and Integrity
The Editorial Committee of the RIIYM Magazine has a special concern for its authors and readers, to this end it strives to provide the highest quality of the published articles, subjecting them to a rigorous evaluation process and respecting the rights to the content of the articles and respecting the integrity of the published works.
On the other hand, authors must ensure that the literature and research consulted during the preparation of their article is the most current and relevant and that they have given due consideration to all universities, institutions and higher education organizations on the topic.
- Method of handling unethical behavior:
- When misconduct and unethical actions are identified, they must be reported to the editor.
- Misconduct and unethical actions include, but are not limited to, the examples described above, such as plagiarism or falsification of research.
- The reporter of unethical conduct must offer sufficient information and evidence to initiate an investigation. All complaints must be seriously considered and treated in a similar manner, until a corresponding outcome or agreement is achieved.
- Interest conflict
Any article that is the result of research with external funding must have publication permission from the institution to which the publication is affiliated.
Any commercial association that may cause a conflict of interest in relation to the submitted article must be declared by the authors.
- Investigation
- The editor is responsible for choosing the appropriate form of the research and may seek advice from the editorial committee, the academic committee, or the reviewer in making this choice.
- Evidence must be gathered in a way that avoids inflaming the situation and the proliferation of accusations.
- Punishment (in order of increasing severity, may be administered separately or in combination)
- Notify the author or reviewer of a misunderstanding or misapplication of the journal's ethical standards in their article.
- Writing a strong letter or statement addressed to the author expressing the unethical behavior and issuing a warning.
- The publication of a formal observation with the details of the inappropriate conduct.
- The publication of an editorial comment detailing the inappropriate behavior.
- The formal withdrawal and removal of the papers in question from the journal, along with notifying: the author's supervisor or reviewer's department, the abstract and index groups, and the publication's audience.
- Enforce a formal embargo on the author's submissions for a specified period of time.